Polymorphism in Go Programming Language

Polymorphism is the ability to write code that can take on different behavior through the implementation of types.

We have the declaration of a structs named Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon and Decagon with the implementation of the Geometry interface.

We have our polymorphic Edges functions that accepts values that implement the Geometry interface. Using polymorphic approach the method created here Parameter is used by each concrete type value that's passed in.


package main

import (

// Geometry is an interface that defines Geometrical Calculation
type Geometry interface {
	Edges() int

// Pentagon defines a geometrical object
type Pentagon struct{}

// Hexagon defines a geometrical object
type Hexagon struct{}

// Octagon defines a geometrical object
type Octagon struct{}

// Decagon defines a geometrical object
type Decagon struct{}

// Edges implements the Geometry interface
func (p Pentagon) Edges() int { return 5 }

// Edges implements the Geometry interface
func (h Hexagon) Edges() int { return 6 }

// Edges implements the Geometry interface
func (o Octagon) Edges() int { return 8 }

// Edges implements the Geometry interface
func (d Decagon) Edges() int { return 10 }

// Parameter calculate parameter of object
func Parameter(geo Geometry, value int) int {
	num := geo.Edges()
	calculation := num * value
	return calculation

// main is the entry point for the application.
func main() {
	p := new(Pentagon)
	h := new(Hexagon)
	o := new(Octagon)
	d := new(Decagon)

	g := [...]Geometry{p, h, o, d}

	for _, i := range g {
		fmt.Println(Parameter(i, 5))


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