Different ways to validate JSON string
Check if string is valid JSON
In the below program isJSON function is used to validate given string contains valid JSON or not.
package main
import (
var Object = `{
"userId": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "delectus aut autem",
"completed": false
var Array = `[{"key": "value1"}, {"key": "value2"}]`
func isJSON(s string) bool {
var js interface{}
return json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &js) == nil
func main() {
val1 := isJSON(Object)
val2 := isJSON(Array)
JSON validate using Standard Library function
package main
import (
func main() {
var tests = []string{
for _, t := range tests {
fmt.Printf("Is valid: (%s) = %v\n", t, json.Valid([]byte(t)))
Is valid: ("Platypus") = true
Is valid: (Platypus) = false
Is valid: ({"id":"1"}) = true
Is valid: ({"id":"1}) = false
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