Interface Accepting Address of the Variable in Golang

The Print() methods accept a receiver pointer. Hence, the interface must also accept a receiver pointer.

If a method accepts a type value, then the interface must receive a type value; if a method has a pointer receiver, then the interface must receive the address of the variable of the respective type.


package main

import "fmt"

type Book struct {
	author, title string

type Magazine struct {
	title string
	issue int

func (b *Book) Assign(n, t string) { = n
	b.title = t
func (b *Book) Print() {
	fmt.Printf("Author: %s, Title: %s\n",, b.title)

func (m *Magazine) Assign(t string, i int) {
	m.title = t
	m.issue = i
func (m *Magazine) Print() {
	fmt.Printf("Title: %s, Issue: %d\n", m.title, m.issue)

type Printer interface {

func main() {
	var b Book                                 // Declare instance of Book
	var m Magazine                             // Declare instance of Magazine
	b.Assign("Jack Rabbit", "Book of Rabbits") // Assign values to b via method
	m.Assign("Rabbit Weekly", 26)              // Assign values to m via method

	var i Printer // Declare variable of interface type
	fmt.Println("Call interface")
	i = &b    // Method has pointer receiver, interface does not
	i.Print() // Show book values via the interface
	i = &m    // Magazine also satisfies shower interface
	i.Print() // Show magazine values via the interface
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