Golang program to print a matrix in Spiral Format
Draw 2D matrix, print all elements of the given matrix in Spiral format. Given a number n, print a n x n spiral matrix (of numbers from 1 to n x n) in clockwise direction using O(1) space.
package main
import (
func spiral(n int) []int {
left, top, right, bottom := 0, 0, n-1, n-1
sz := n * n
s := make([]int, sz)
i := 0
for left < right {
// work right, along top
for c := left; c <= right; c++ {
s[top*n+c] = i
// work down right side
for r := top; r <= bottom; r++ {
s[r*n+right] = i
if top == bottom {
// work left, along bottom
for c := right; c >= left; c-- {
s[bottom*n+c] = i
// work up left side
for r := bottom; r >= top; r-- {
s[r*n+left] = i
// center (last) element
s[top*n+left] = i
return s
func main() {
num := 5
len := 2
for i, draw := range spiral(num) {
fmt.Printf("%*d ", len, draw)
if i%num == num-1 {
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