Find length of Channel, Pointer, Slice, String and Map
In below program len function is used to find the length of a channel, pointer, slice, string and map.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
channelEx := make(chan int, 5)
fmt.Printf("\nChannel: %d", len(channelEx))
channelEx <- 0
channelEx <- 1
channelEx <- 2
fmt.Printf("\nChannel: %d", len(channelEx))
var pointerEx *[5]string
fmt.Printf("\nPointer: %d", len(pointerEx))
mapEx := make(map[string]int)
mapEx["A"] = 10
mapEx["B"] = 20
mapEx["C"] = 30
fmt.Printf("\nMap: %d", len(mapEx))
sliceEx := make([]int, 10)
fmt.Printf("\nSlice: %d", len(sliceEx))
strEx := "Australia Canada Japan"
fmt.Printf("\nString: %d", len(strEx))
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