Golang program for implementation of Median of Medians
In computer science, the median of medians is an approximate (median) selection algorithm, frequently used to supply a good pivot for an exact selection algorithm, mainly the quick-select, that selects kth smallest element. Here is source code of the Go Program to Median of Medians to find the Kth Smallest element.
package main
import (
func medianOfMedians(sliceList []int, k, r int) int {
num := len(sliceList)
if num < 10 {
return sliceList[k-1]
med := (num + r - 1) / r
medians := make([]int, med)
for i := 0; i < med; i++ {
v := (i * r) + r
var arr []int
if v >= num {
arr = make([]int, len(sliceList[(i*r):]))
copy(arr, sliceList[(i*r):])
} else {
arr = make([]int, r)
copy(arr, sliceList[(i*r):v])
medians[i] = arr[len(arr)/2]
pivot := medianOfMedians(medians, (len(medians)+1)/2, r)
var leftSide, rightSide []int
for i := range sliceList {
if sliceList[i] < pivot {
leftSide = append(leftSide, sliceList[i])
} else if sliceList[i] > pivot {
rightSide = append(rightSide, sliceList[i])
switch {
case k == (len(leftSide) + 1):
return pivot
case k <= len(leftSide):
return medianOfMedians(leftSide, k, r)
return medianOfMedians(rightSide, k-len(leftSide)-1, r)
func main() {
intSlice := []int{5, 9, 77, 62, 71, 11, 22, 46, 36, 18, 19, 33, 75, 17, 39, 41, 73, 50, 217, 79, 120}
for _, j := range []int{5, 10, 15, 20} {
i := medianOfMedians(intSlice, j, 5)
fmt.Println(j, "smallest element = ", i)
v := intSlice[j-1]
fmt.Println("arr[", j-1, "] = ", v)
if i != v {
fmt.Println("Oops! Algorithm is wrong")
5 smallest element = 18
arr[ 4 ] = 18
10 smallest element = 39
arr[ 9 ] = 39
15 smallest element = 71
arr[ 14 ] = 71
20 smallest element = 120
arr[ 19 ] = 120
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