Golang program for implementation LZW Data Compression and Uncompression
LZW is a data compression method that takes advantage of this repetition. This compression method, (1) start with an initial model, (2) read data piece by piece, (3) and update the model and encode the data as you go along. LZW is a "dictionary"-based compression algorithm. LZW encodes data by referencing a dictionary. To encode a sub-string, only a single code number, corresponding to that sub-string's index in the dictionary, needs to be written to the output file.
package main
import "fmt"
func compressLZW(testStr string) []int {
code := 256
dictionary := make(map[string]int)
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
dictionary[string(i)] = i
currChar := ""
result := make([]int, 0)
for _, c := range []byte(testStr) {
phrase := currChar + string(c)
if _, isTrue := dictionary[phrase]; isTrue {
currChar = phrase
} else {
result = append(result, dictionary[currChar])
dictionary[phrase] = code
currChar = string(c)
if currChar != "" {
result = append(result, dictionary[currChar])
return result
func decompressLZW(compressed []int) string {
code := 256
dictionary := make(map[int]string)
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
dictionary[i] = string(i)
currChar := string(compressed[0])
result := currChar
for _, element := range compressed[1:] {
var word string
if x, ok := dictionary[element]; ok {
word = x
} else if element == code {
word = currChar + currChar[:1]
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad compressed element: %d", element))
result += word
dictionary[code] = currChar + word[:1]
currChar = word
return result
func main() {
fmt.Print("Enter any string :")
var testStr string
compressed := compressLZW(testStr)
fmt.Println("\nAfter Compression :", compressed)
uncompression := decompressLZW(compressed)
fmt.Println("\nAfter Uncompression :", uncompression)
Enter any string :Australia
After Compression : [65 117 115 116 114 97 108 105 97]
After Uncompression : Australia
C:\golang\example>go run test.go
Enter any string :Germany
After Compression : [71 101 114 109 97 110 121]
After Uncompression : Germany
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