How to create thumbnail of an image?
In dstImage the size 80 X 80 passed to create thumbnail of 80px 80px. Google graphics package used to generate thumbnail of image.
package main
import (
func main() {
imagePath, _ := os.Open("jellyfish.jpg")
defer imagePath.Close()
srcImage, _, _ := image.Decode(imagePath)
// Dimension of new thumbnail 80 X 80
dstImage := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 80, 80))
// Thumbnail function of Graphics
graphics.Thumbnail(dstImage, srcImage)
newImage, _ := os.Create("thumbnail.jpg")
defer newImage.Close()
jpeg.Encode(newImage, dstImage, &jpeg.Options{jpeg.DefaultQuality})
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